Venta de Carros en Estados Unidos durante Abril 2010

Brand Vol. % Apr-10 Apr-09 DSR %* Apr-10 Apr-09
Chrysler 61.35 22,386 13,874 61.35 861 534
Dodge 61.18 38,795 24,070 61.18 1,492 926
Subaru 48.24 23,198 15,649 48.24 892 602
Infiniti 46.21 7,211 4,932 46.21 277 190
Volkswagen 42.03 23,135 16,289 42.03 890 627
Buick 36.44 12,181 8,928 36.44 469 343
Cadillac 35.74 11,317 8,337 35.74 435 321
Land Rover 34.56 2,749 2,043 34.56 106 79
Nissan 33.84 56,558 42,258 33.84 2,175 1,625
Audi 32.94 9,319 7,010 32.94 358.42 269.62
Hyundai 29.66 44,023 33,952 29.66 1,693 1,306
Lexus 29.33 18,359 14,195 29.33 706 546
Ford 26.08 146,589 116,263 26.08 5,638 4,472
Toyota 23.80 139,080 112,345 23.80 5,349 4,321
Lincoln 21.87 7,279 5,973 21.87 280 230
Acura 21.63 10,719 8,813 21.63 412 339
Mercedes 21.03 17,628 14,565 21.03 678 560
Mercury 19.13 9,128 7,662 19.13 351 295
GMC 18.36 24,224 20,467 18.36 932 787
Chevrolet 17.44 135,369 20,467 17.44 5,207 4,433
Mazda 17.32 18,935 16,139 17.32 728 621
Kia 17.30 30,036 25,606 17.30 1,155 985
Honda 11.67 102,978 92,216 11.67 3,961 3,547
BMW 9.95 17,268 15,705 9.95 664 604
Mini 5.09 3,843 3,657 5.09 148 141
Volvo 0.95 4,546 4,503 0.95 175 173
Mitsubishi 0.33 3,932 3,919 0.33 151 151
Jeep -0.13 19,645 19,670 -0.13 756 757
Porsche -5.72 1,747 1,853 -5.72 67 71
Ram -21.98 14,877 19,068 -21.98 572 733
Suzuki -23.32 1,950 2,543 -23.32 75 98
Jaguar -30.05 896 1,281 -30.05 34 49
(Hummer) -47.32 481 913 -47.32 19 35
Smart -49.44 680 1,345 -49.44 26 52
(Saturn) -94.94 373 7,367 -94.94 14 283
(Pontiac) -99.52 52 10,838 -99.52 2 417
Saab NA
Nissan NA 35.13 63,769 47,190 35.13 2,453 1,815
Chrysler Group 24.81 95,703 76,682 24.81 3,681 2,949
Ford Mo Co
24.66 167,542 134,401 24.66 6,444 5,169
Toyota Mo Co 24.42 157,439 126,540 24.42 6,055 4,867
GM Core 19.67 183,091 152,997 19.67 7,042 5,885
Honda NA
12.54 113,697 101,029 12.54 4,373 3,886
Jag/Land Rover
9.66 3,645 3,324 9.66 140 128
BMW Group 9.03 21,111 19,362 9.03 811.96 744.69
General Motors 6.35 183,997 173,007 6.35 7,077 6,654

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